5th Young Researcher Meeting 2014 – Trieste


Trieste, July 14th-15th 2014


 The Young Researcher Meeting gathers again in Trieste this summer, sponsored by SISSA, University of Udine and University of Rome “Tor Vergata” research groups, which acknowledged the importance of the event, and decided to actively contribute.


You should know the drill by now: students and post-docs will discuss their work in short talks or as poster presentations.


We are also proud to announce that this year the meeting will feature a workshop on the Communication of Science organized in collaboration with SISSA Medialab. The workshop will be open to the public.


The event will be broadcast live by OggiScienza.


The deadline for abstract submission is May 24th, participant registration closes on June 8th.


The conference proceedings will be published in the IOP Conference Series.


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